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3 secrets to winning more real estate listings

“I’ll take a buyer over a seller every day,” said the young, verbose agent who had been in the business about a year longer than I had. This was back in 2006, and he had just won an award at the sales meeting for closing the most deals. I asked him later why he felt […]

3 truths to improve your standing with Chinese homebuyers

Agents all over the world are increasingly looking to sell their condos, houses and new projects to Asian investors. And this is for a good reason — the Asian buyer’s market is large and growing fast. For example, the population of China and India together is almost 40 percent of the total world’s population. Within […]

‘Another agent said he’d get me more money’: How do you respond?

It’s a dog-eat-listing-agent world out there, and there are always some people all too willing to cross into questionable territory to get the listing. They’ll say things like, “I can get you more money than that other agent can.” Let’s say you’re the “other” agent. How do you successfully deflect when your seller offers up this […]

What’s the buyer’s role in the appraisal process?

In the last episode of Real Estate Raw & Uncut, Lazine and Bray debated whether a listing agent should attend the appraisal. But from the buyer’s perspective, what is their role? A lot of times buyers are told it’s unnecessary to attend, but just because that’s the way it’s been done, doesn’t mean that it […]

MortgageHippo, backed by @properties, nabs $2.25M

A wave of innovation is sweeping across the mortgage industry, as big lenders invest heavily in technology and startups pop up left and right. MortgageHippo, a provider of mortgage-origination software that’s backed by a real estate brokerage, exemplifies the second group. It recently closed a seed funding round of $2.25 million, raising an additional $1.5 million on top of an […]

How going digital improves your bottom line

ERA Evergreen broker/owner Michael Gonzalez was walking through an Inman Connect conference in 2011 when a bold thought popped into his head: throwing all his office’s paper in the trash. “That was about six years ago, and we’ve never looked back or regretted it,” he said, naming printing, scanning, storage and buying paper as just […]

Daily market update: April 17, 2017

We’ll add more market news briefs throughout the day. Check back to read the latest. Most recent market news Friday, April 14 April 2017 Re/Max National Housing Report Home sales were 6.6 percent higher than the nine-year-old report’s previous March record set in 2016. Thirty-eight of the 53 metro areas in the report showed year-over-year […]

Everything real estate agents need to know about open houses

An open house is a powerful tool to sell a home, yet some agents dismiss it as an old method that’s used only to satisfy the seller. They feel that the full day of work that’s required, which includes marketing, creating pamphlets, preparing the home and showing it, may not be worth their time.However, many […]

Why rising prices don’t discourage prospective buyers

For renters hoping to purchase a home, saving for a down payment is as great a challenge as ever, but rising home prices are making it even harder for many to save what they need to get into their first homes.   Zillow’s new Home Aspirations Report found that two out of three renters (67.9 […]

How long does it take for real estate newbies to get started?

When I sit down with new agents for training and we start delving into the “meat and potatoes” of getting their business set up, almost every single person is extremely disappointed when I tell them it could take them six months to a year to set up the pipeline of transactions. New agents are so […]

April 2017
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