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Special Report: How to turn Facebook into a lead generation machine

Overview How many of Facebook’s 1.86 billion users could be a real estate agent’s next lead?The social media top dog is a well-recognized platform for real estate professionals to communicate with consumers, attract buyers and sellers and create their personal and business brand. The key is turning agents’ management of their Facebook advertising from a […]

News Corp board of directors welcomes former Senator Kelly Ayotte

Former Republican senator Kelly Ayotte has joined the News Corp’s board of directors, effective immediately, replacing Elaine Chao, who resigned from the board upon her confirmation as secretary of the United States Department of Transportation. Kelly Ayotte Senator Ayotte, 48, most recently served as a United States Senator for the state of New Hampshire from […]

Daily market update: April 3, 2017

We’ll add more market news briefs throughout the day. Check back to read the latest. Most recent market news: Thursday, March 30: Ten-X Residential Real Estate Nowcast March sales will fall between seasonally adjusted annual rates of 5.41 – 5.77 million with a targeted number of 5.59 million, up 2.0 percent from NAR’s reported February […]

How to write a real estate bio that’ll charm clients and colleagues

It can be a little daunting to write about yourself, especially in a bio that all of your clients and colleagues will read. It’s your first chance to make a good impression. You don’t want to write too much, or too little. You want to come off as confident, but you don’t want to seem […]

Why redlining and discrimination are still real estate’s problem

You would think that in 2017 that discrimination and redlining (a discriminatory practice by which banks, insurance companies and businesses limit loans, mortgages, insurance or other products with specific geographic areas, especially in inner-city neighborhoods) would be a thing of the past.Unfortunately, the battle for minority clients and their agents is as tough today as […]

Up your real estate marketing visuals with Drawbotics’ ‘restyling’

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. Drawbotics provides creative visual services to enhance real estate marketing materials. Platforms: Browser-agnostic Ideal for: All size teams and offices; agents who sell new developments; luxury high-rise listing offices Top selling pointsIn-app reviews, feedback and edits […]

3 ways to energize yourself and your real estate business

Your work as a real estate agent or entrepreneur demands an intense level of energy. You work long hours, think critically and wear many hats. Use these tips to give your best to your business without going home depleted. Empathize, then advise Providing superior service requires deep insight into customer problems. But don’t get stuck […]

Q&A: Mitch Ribak on the benefits of inside sales agents

In this episode of Agent Insight, Chris Lazarus talks about the ins and outs of working with inside sales agents with Mitch Ribak, founder of Inside Sales Agents. Chris Lazarus is the principal broker and COO of Sellect Realty. Source: click here

Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate Episode 19: Realtor or coroner?

Reposted with permission — show notes and credits available here. Realtors aren’t supposed to be morticians, right? But what if you’re asked to confirm if the homeseller is really dead? That’s the story today’s guest Jean Richer is here to share! Do you have a crazy real estate story to share? Email Leigh for your chance to […]

Real Trends announces top 500 2017 brokerages by transaction sides/volume

Which brokerages across the country are absolutely killing it? Which ones are doing tons of volume — and which ones are getting tons of clients and locking down transaction sides? Real estate consulting firm Real Trends has just released its annual report of the top 500 brokerages for 2017, by both transaction sides and volume. NRT, […]

April 2017
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