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Is your lead generation boring? 4 mistakes and how to avoid them

You might know real estate in your target area like the back of your hand, but we all know that means very little if you have zero homeseller or buyer prospects. Likewise, being boring in 2017 means you won’t stand out from the crowd — especially in the burgeoning real estate sales arena. That’s a big […]

5 smart home device-compatible upgrades that raise home values

When looking to increase the value of one’s home before selling, common renovations include updating flooring, changing countertops, slapping a fresh coat of paint on the front door and maybe updating some of the home’s appliances. Although all of these renovations are great ways to up the value of a home, technology trends in smart […]

Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate: Always check the freezer

Reposted with permission — show notes and credits here. It’s the final walkthrough, and everyone is excited about the home. Suddenly, you hear shrieks coming from your client in the kitchen. Paula Monthofer and her clients did not anticipate what they found in the freezer that day, but it merited a very deep clean of […]

Growing your business: Going from solo agent to team

SAN FRANCISCO — Growth. Everyone wants it, but not everyone knows how to achieve it. Luckily for those looking to grow by transitioning from solo agent to team, Tuesday’s Agent Connect was full of answers; Vija Williams, Keir Weimer and Danielle Lazier took the Inman stage to share some valuable insights and address questions about […]

NYC brokers find listing partner in Zillow’s biggest competitor:

Zillow rejected the Real Estate Board of New York’s (REBNY) recently launched single, centralized syndication feed, the Residential Listing Service (RLS). But REBNY has found a partner in Zillow’s biggest competitor — Today, operator Move Inc. announced that it would be the first national portal to receive a direct syndicated feed from REBNY, which […]

How do you train a robot to interact appropriately with people?

SAN FRANCISCO — When you picture the future of transportation, you probably see lanes of autonomous cars driving highways full of humans hither and yon, with no carbon-based life forms taking control of the wheel. Anca Dragan That’s a nice fantasy, but it leaves out the in-between — the era of transportation when self-driving cars […]

Facebook unveils first ad product for real estate

Facebook has unveiled its first ad product designed specifically for the real estate industry. “Dynamic Ads for Real Estate” allows a brokerage to advertise relevant listings to Facebook and Instagram users who have previously searched for properties on the brokerage’s website. With a Facebook employee telling Inman that the online giant is “betting big” on […]

How to beat your tech competition with a UX-focus

Yossi Langer SAN FRANCISCO — Amazon Alexa’s artificial intelligence is no match for Yossi Langer’s creative 6-year-old, who likes to use the device to create ridiculous grocery lists — a la “Alexa, we need ‘slimy bugs’ or ‘poopy bags.’” Aside from a good chuckle, the device isn’t of much use to Langer, who has been […]

Experimental app lets you plot and preview drone flights 

SAN FRANCISCO — “Who here has crashed a drone?” asked Stanford PhD candidate Mike Roberts on stage at Hacker Connect. More than a few attendees raised their hands. Mike Roberts He then showcased software that he and his colleagues built to help drone operators avoid sideswiping buildings or careening into trees. The experimental app lets people […]

Tempted to sell your indie brokerage? What to consider

SAN FRANCISCO — It’s not unusual for successful independent brokerages to feel the flattery of being courted. But is transitioning to a big brokerage the right thing to do? There is no prescriptive answer here as what’s right for one indie may not be right for another. Listening to what other companies have to say […]

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