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Agent/broker perspective: Are home inspections a waste of time for agents?

In this monthly column, Anthony Askowitz will explore a hypothetical Miami real estate situation from both sides of the broker-agent dynamic. A veteran Miami real estate agent feels strongly about participating in her customers’ home inspections. Her broker wants her to focus on more productive uses of her time. Do real estate agents make the best […]

Objection battle: Comebacks to the most common client doubts

Sick of hearing why your client isn’t ready to list or move forward with you? Get the perfect comeback from schooled agents who are quick on their feet…. Source: click here

Realtor helps rescue 300 Houston flood victims

“There is no real estate business happening in Houston right now,” said Nicole Lopez, a Realtor and team leader at Houston’s Intero Real Estate Services. But you won’t find her on high ground watching Netflix. Lopez spent Monday in the trenches with her fiancé, Heath Cummins, helping the Houston Police Department save families, children and […]

6 tips to save your real estate clients from moving misery

Agents know that moving’s one of the biggest headaches and most taxing aspects their clients face. The packing, organizing and consolidating can heap additional stress on an already intense event. This creates a tremendous opportunity for real estate agents to salve that moving pain point for their clients. Deciding what to take to the new […]

Hone your systems to maximize your real estate lead ROI

We all know that converting leads to clients is the name of the game. We also know it’s not easy. This lead conversion challenge mandates that you develop a well-honed process for handling your leads based on diligently measuring your performance and developing a smart strategy. This clarity will help you focus single-mindedly on opportunities, […]

Important growth lessons for real estate brokers and teams from Henry Ford

Great leaders share many traits, one of them being an openness and enthusiasm for new technology. They adopt new technologies that help them grow and optimize their operations. For example, Ransom E. Olds (of Oldsmobile fame) invented the assembly line, an innovation that helped quintuple his factory’s output, from 425 cars in 1901 to 2,500 […]

Social media profiles: Everything you need to know about Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

To build anything, you have to start with the proper foundation. Social media is often where consumers find their real estate agent, and prospective clients look to the agent’s profile for more information about who he or she is. If you are looking to create a presence on social media — take note — you’ll […]

When it comes to commissions, if you’re ‘Sears,’ you’re sunk

The market is rapidly dividing itself into two separate buckets — do it yourself, low (or no) commission models versus concierge-style service coupled with a unique value proposition (UVP). There’s a third bucket, however, where most agents fit. If you don’t fit into the UVP category, your commissions are about to take a major hit. […]

9 signs it’s time to quit your real estate career

If you read Facebook posts from frustrated agents debating whether they should find another job, you’ll often see a pile-on of positive advice: Keep going! Don’t give up yet! Success will come if you just switch offices, try harder, or buy this new lead gen product! Sometimes it’s good advice. And other times it’s just […]

5 creative ways to craft an agent bio beyond the written word

As a writer who specializes in real estate writing, a lot of what I write is meant for marketing. Blogs, website content and property descriptions are big, as well as incentives and promotional copy. But one of my favorite things to write is the bio for the real estate agents, brokers and business owners I […]

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