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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

Could Texas lead the way in solving the homeless problem?

Two private sector-led efforts to address the homeless problem in Austin and San Antonio, Texas, are showing promise. Other cities around the country could follow their lead. Source: click here

10 ways to show clients gratitude this Thanksgiving

This is the time of year when we take a moment to express our gratitude for the people and things in our lives. Here are 10 practical ways you can show your appreciation for your clients. Source: click here

Dollars and Sense: 3 tips that’ll make tax season a breeze

In this recurring column, we host various contributing writers who share finance insights they’ve picked up throughout their careers to help agents and brokers stay financially fit. Here, Christy Murdock Edgar offers tips on how to get organized now and make tax season easy. Source: click here

Robin Williams’ former home hits the market 5 years after his death

A California home that Robin Williams purchased in 2008 has been listed by Compass agents for $7.25 million. The beloved actor and comedian, who passed away in 2014, bought the Belvedere Tiburon home in 2008 for $4.05 million. The home, located on the San Francisco Bay in Marin County, California, has been left untouched since […]

The Real World: What is NAR’s pocket listing ban really about?

Watch Byron Lazine and Nicole White give a real estate agent’s perspective on industry-related topics. This week, they break down what the NAR pocket listing ban is really about (Spoiler: Lazine thinks it’s really an NAR versus Compass battle) and talk about the future of open houses. Source: click here

Big Purple Dot is on target, but misses the bull’s-eye

Part relationship manager, part business management solution, its features, including lead auditing, a mobile CRM and robust tagging, stand out in an otherwise typical solution for larger brokers and teams. Source: click here

3 ways to tame the self-doubt beast

Building and maintaining confidence in yourself is not an easy task. It takes hard work, patience, trial and error, but most of all heart. Here are three steps that are helpful in defeating the self-doubt beast. Source: click here

Dog poop complaints decreased in NYC’s most expensive areas

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but in New York City, they’re apparently man’s worst nuisance too. According to apartment listing portal RentHop’s latest study, New York City has one of the highest rates of poop complaints in the nation, thanks to the city’s overwhelming registered dog population, which totals more than 84,000. From January […]

Markets poised for lower rates

The greatest threat to the global economy is trade friction with China, says regular Inman columnist Lou Barnes. Source: click here

Crowdfunder Nico aims to cut locals in on gentrification returns

Nico, a public benefit corporation, wants to purchase and sell small stakes in rent-stabilized buildings. Source: click here

November 2019
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