Have you ever chosen a restaurant or hotel based on the reviews you read on sites such as TripAdvisor and Yelp? If you’re like most, you rely on those other opinions to guide your own decisions despite the fact that you know nothing about their taste in restaurants. Dr. Robert Cialdini, the author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, refers to this as social proof, or the herd mentality. He states that humans are conditioned to believe that, when faced with a limited amount of information, following the advice of others is the safest path. Dr. Cialdini goes on to state that humans are less likely to believe what people have to say about themselves, and more likely to believe what other people have to say about them. So, how can you harness this power of social proof to improve your business? Through testimonials. What makes a great testimonial There’s a vast difference between a typical testimonial, which goes something like, “Mary is a great agent. We …
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