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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

Keeping It Real: Don’t squander the rest of the year

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer reminds agents that now isn’t the time to coast through fourth quarter.  Source: click here

4 big tech and financial trends every brokerage must confront

We hear about new and emerging technologies every day, but where is all this taking us? Let’s pull back the curtain and look at the bigger picture. Here are the four major disruptive forces that I see shaping the real estate brokerage industry going ahead into the future. Source: click here

Beyond Pricing raises $42.5M in Series A funding round

The proptech startup provides pricing recommendations for Airbnb and other short-term rental hosts. Source: click here

Los Angeles to implement strict rent controls in unincorporated areas

The Los Angeles Board of Supervisors is proposing to link rent hikes to the overall rate of inflation and make it more difficult to evict tenants. Source: click here

Stephanie Anton reveals where luxury marketing is headed

The president of Luxury Portfolio talks about video, data and social media ahead of Luxury Connect in Beverly Hills next month. Source: click here

RedfinNow joins crowded Houston iBuyer market

Starting Wednesday, homeowners in the Houston metro area can get an all-cash offer for their home from the Seattle-based real estate brokerage. Source: click here

CoreLogic acquires National Tax Search in midst of buying spree

National Tax Search provides tax management services to lenders and property management companies. Source: click here

4 hacks to drive organic business to your team

The holy grail for teams is organic business. Too many team leaders are spending a fortune on leads with very low return on investment. Source: click here

Smart-home tech for agents: The basics

Are your clients expressing interest in buying homes with smart gadgets or asking for advice in upgrading? We’ve got the scoop for you. Learn about basic setup, including the importance of strong Wi-Fi and using a hub, here. Source: click here

Real estate vlogger slams NAR for failing to defend against iBuyers

“Why don’t you help us,” Frank Garay pleas of the National Association of Realtors in a video posted to YouTube Tuesday. Source: click here

September 2019
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