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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

Voiceter Pro expands Alexa, Google Assistant business tools

Voice-activated internet (VAI) services company Voiceter Pro has expanded the reach of its Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant skills that provide agents with business-oriented information within a matter of seconds. Members of the Staten Island MLS can now ask their Alexa or Google Home device to provide information about upcoming expired listings, messages, broker opens, […]

The 4 secrets to getting your team to execute

Leadership comes in a number of forms, but a consistent theme and struggle is getting those on their team to increase transaction volume and perform at a greater capacity. Source: click here

Realogy continues its ride on the stock market rollercoaster

Investment research firm Zacks on Tuesday downgraded Realogy’s status from “hold” to “sell” after its stock dropped to $4.52 per share. Source: click here

California building permits drop to lowest level since recession

Building permits in California plunged 10 percent in July, the lowest level since the Great Recession in 2008, according to the state’s Legislative Analyst’s Office. In total, 8,640 permits were issued across the state in July while 61,200 permits were issued during the first seven months of 2019, a year-over-year decrease of 10 percent and […]

How to build your team from the ground up

They say if you want to grow your business as an agent, get into listings. If you want to grow your business as a real estate professional, build a team. Here’s how regular Inman contributor Ryan Rodenbeck recommends building a team. Source: click here

30+ free hacks for Instagram and Facebook

Once you have created a system for content creation, the next step is distribution — which is where these free tools from Facebook and Instagram come into play. Source: click here

How to help clients plan for a long-distance move

Moving is hard! And a long distance move — especially one out of state — is exponentially harder. If you have clients considering such a move, be prepared to help guide them through the process using these tips. Source: click here

Why many New York penthouse listings are sitting without a buyer

Long considered the epitome of wealth and status, New York penthouses are not getting snapped up as fast as they once were in the past. As first reported by the New York Post, many of Manhattan’s mega-rich no longer want to live the high life in Manhattan’s tallest structures, in part because skyscrapers are being […]

How will a trade war impact the US?

Central banks can see this coming, underway in several places, but they have another problem: very little room to cut rates and desperately frightened of the “zero bound.” Thus, a continuous argument worthy of Monty Python: Do we fire our limited ammunition now or save it until it’s ugly? If we don’t fire now, then […]

Former C21 CEO lands new executive role at RE/MAX

Nick Bailey’s Denver homecoming positions him as RE/MAX’s chief customer officer, a newly created role, executives told Inman. Source: click here

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